This year by no means planned out like anyone imagined. At the same time we all should have known better than to plan too much into the future and with too much detail because things are bound to happen.
When I was in college I used to plan my life by the semester. I always felt like anything beyond a semester was too far in advance and so much could change and change the direction of my life for that season. Shoot one semester I was on campus enjoying the college life the next thing I know I am in D.C. for a semester interning for a nonprofit and living my wildest D.C. dreams.
Despite not ever planning too far in advance particularly with details I do love having goals that help me live out my dream and ultimately my calling. So yes I am a fan of making new year resolutions, I do basically every year. With that being said I thought it would be fun to actually check-in on my new year’s resolutions for 2020 to see how well I did. That’s one thing I never did well but wanted to do better this year.
Resolution 1: My new goal is to wash my water bottle at least once a week.
Check-In: I did much better. I wash my bottle like every two weeks. It help significantly that I was home all the time where I could go to the kitchen at any time to keep my water bottle clean.
Resolution 2: Instead my goal is to write restaurants letters or reviews on ways they can be more zerowaste.
Check-In: I didn’t write on any restaurant receipts like I have in the past. Due to the pandemic, I went through a lot of drive-thru(s). I was vocal in drive-thru(s) this year. I told employees no to plastic straws because I didn’t need them to enjoy my drink. This is a habit I plan to continue of saying no to plastic straws.
Resolution 3: This time I want to take less clothes than I bring and host more clothes swap events.
Check-In: The plan to host my first clothes swap event at my local library was canceled due to COVID-19. I pivoted and did a 1-1 clothes swap with a fellow thrifter on Instagram, Ugochi, and loved it! It wasn’t as big as I pictured but I loved that Instagram helped me build a relationship with a fellow thrifter!
Resolution 4: So this year for the first time ever I’m going to track my fashion purchases (clothes, accessories, and shoes).
Check-In: I kept up with this! I tracked my purchases on my phone every month. A video of a status update is on Instagram. The tracking helped me see I buy about 3 items a month and spend about $25 a month. No more guessing, now I know how to adjust my spending habits to be where I want them to be.
Resolution 5: But no more excuses by the end of January I will have a compost bin in my home that I actually use.
Check-In: I completely failed on this one. It’s been hard to adjust to the non-compost culture in Florida compared to Minnesota. In Minnesota composting was so easy with drop off sites all over the city and in businesses and restaurants. I did however get a new trash bin that doubles as a trash bin and a recycling bin. So it makes it easier for people in my home to know where and how to recycle. Baby steps. This goal is going to be moved to 2021.
Resolution 6: Knowing that I want to encourage and create more opportunities for people to thrift.
Check-In: I freaken nailed this one, or I like to think so! I launched my free ebook A Guide to Becoming a Confident Thrifter. The goal is to make an opportunity for anyone wanting to thrift feel confident to take that step. The great thing is this guide can go with you on every thrifting trip and it can be right on your phone.
Resolution 7: Instead of college parties attend more local and regional sustainability events and activities.
Check-In: I planned to go to the Sustainable Fashion Forum in April in Oregon but the coronavirus had other plans. The event went virtual but I definitely lose the momentum of attending events via webinars and virtual conferences.
Despite a global pandemic with the coronavirus, the rise of the Black Lives Matter Movement this summer, and the U.S. presidential elections beautiful things still happened during these hard times.
The tribe here has more than tripled this year, my weekly website views are higher than they have ever been, and I have done more collaborations with other influencers and businesses than ever before. Instead of seeing the events of 2020 has trying to break you down, I encourage you to see it as building you up!
Every year we get closer to the life we want that is full of joy, fun, love, and protecting the planet we call home.
How has 2020 built you up this year?